Angad Singh


Camp Assistant

My name is Angad Singh and I am a drama/education undergraduate student at the University of Calgary. I was born and raised in India for a small part of my life and I immigrated to Canada with my family when I was nine years old. As a child, my career plans varied from soccer player, to firefighter, to WWE superstar and even an investment banker, because of financial stability of course. I then realized I wanted to pursue all those professions yet study for none of them. Then I discovered  that there is a profession that lets you pretend to be other people and you get paid to do it……sometimes. So I chose to become an actor! Growing up in India, films, specifically Bollywood were a huge part of my life and made me believe that I was the main character. So essentially I was a delusional 8 year old. And now, after 15 years of life experience, I’m a delusional 23 year old who still thinks he’s the main character, so here we are!


Col Cseke


Elizabeth Houghton